Need to be warmed up?

I hate days like this. Snow. Cold. Can’t go to get my Sprite fixation because snow on the road. It sucks.

So, here’s a recipe to warm you guys up. I just made this (and totally stole the recipe from Courtney at work), and it’s delicious. I was kind of cautious of this recipe because of the word “Buffalo”, and being someone who doesn’t like spicy things, take it from me – this recipe is amazing. Just hot enough to warm you up on a day like today, but yet not hot enough to warrant sticking your head under the faucet.

Picture via

Buffalo Chicken Dip

The recipe Courtney gave me called for two packages of cream cheese, but I just used one. I was afraid it might make too much for just two people. I came out with the perfect amount.

What You’ll Need:
1 package of cream cheese, warmed (I used Philadelphia.)
1/2 cup favorite buffalo sauce (I used some weird Target brand?)
1/2 cup of bleu cheese or ranch dressing (I used ranch, and I was lenient on the “half a cup” business)
1 1/2 cans of shredded chicken (I used Swanson’s precooked-in-a-can chicken. In the can, it’s chunky, but it falls apart. I’m such a great chef that I call that “shredded” chicken. I also bought two cans, but ended up giving half of the second can to my cats.)
Some shredded cheese or bleu cheese crumbles to cover the top of the dip before you bake it. (I’m not giving an actual measurement because if you’re like me, measurements are out the window when it comes to how much shredded cheese to put on something.)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. I used a 1.5 quart Pyrex baking dish to bake this in. The recipe I used said to mix everything together IN the baking dish, but I am a sloppy mixer so I needed a bigger bowl. This recipe is so simple that you:

1) Mix everything together in a bowl of your choice.
2) Top with shredded cheese.
3) Bake for 20 minutes, or until warm throughout.

Serve with your favorite chips or crackers, and viola! This makes a good quick option for a party, or if you just want to add a little spice to a snow day. For a healthier option, you could use fat free everything and serve with vegetables. … but what fun would that be?

Enjoy the snow!


New things for 2014!


As 2014 unfolds, there are a lot of new and exciting features that I will be offering for Lakyn Hayes Photography, and they all are for the convenience of YOU, the client.

First, a new and improved website! I have spent the last month restructuring my prices to give you guys the most bang for your buck. All of my packages have been lowered and I am now offering more per package. The website is still under construction, as I tweak a few things and work with my provider, but as soon it is up, I will post a link to my Facebook page.

Second, as opposed to a CD with your images on it and in order to keep my prices low, I will now be offering sessions via password-protected digital download. CD’s will now be an a la carte item, offered separately.

Third, I am replacing the post-session consultation for ordering prints. I want you to have your session hanging on your walls to showcase your beautiful newborn or your family or high school senior, and scheduling a meeting during the busy week is almost nearly impossible. So, what does this lead to? No fine art hanging on your walls, and a CD sitting on your shelf! To remedy this, all sessions will now be available to order prints from online. You will receive a password-protected gallery and all ordering will be done securely through my website via

And finally, this blog. I think Facebook has become boring and drama-filled so I have started this blog to get to know my clients and share some cool DIY projects for other fellow photographers and clients. Expect recipes, make-up tips for the ladies, and life lessons I learn in the day-to-day routine that is life. So, feel free to comment with your opinions, life tips, etc! Hopefully we can make 2014 an engaging one!

Until later,


Coming later this week: Newborn session from December 2013 – Miss Avery